# Modified code : original was taken from the nvidia nemo library https://github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo/blob/557c4b7ae766faf050374e6b9a862e2e67385b10/nemo/collections/asr/modules/conv_asr.py#L56
from matchbox.ConvBlock import init_weights
from typing import Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
[docs]class ConvASRDecoderClassification(nn.Module):
def __init__(
feat_in: int,
num_classes: int,
init_mode: Optional[str] = "xavier_uniform",
return_logits: bool = True,
"""Matchbox net decoder
feat_in (int): number of futures inputed
num_classes (int): number of classes on the output layer
init_mode (Optional[str], optional): Weight initialisation strategy. Defaults to "xavier_uniform".
return_logits (bool, optional): Return logit or softmax for greater flexibility. Defaults to True.
pooling_type (str, optional): Pooling layer type on the output of the encoder. Defaults to 'avg'.
ValueError: if pooling type isn't supported
super(ConvASRDecoderClassification, self).__init__()
self._feat_in = feat_in
self._return_logits = return_logits
self._num_classes = num_classes
if pooling_type == 'avg':
self.pooling = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d(1)
elif pooling_type == 'max':
self.pooling = torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool1d(1)
raise ValueError('Pooling type chosen is not valid. Must be either `avg` or `max`')
self.decoder_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(self._feat_in, self._num_classes, bias=True))
self.apply(lambda x: init_weights(x, mode=init_mode))
[docs] def forward(self, encoder_output):
batch, in_channels, timesteps = encoder_output.size()
encoder_output = self.pooling(encoder_output).view(batch, in_channels) # [B, C]
logits = self.decoder_layers(encoder_output) # [B, num_classes]
if self._return_logits:
return logits
return torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1)