Energy Mobility Tweets Searches

COVID-19 & Energy

Annette Werth , Giulio Predevello
SONY Computer Science Lab - Paris

Energy consumption, from electricity, has always been a direct indicator of economic activity. The confinements imposed by governments all over Europe have had deep and far reaching impacts on industry and people’s lives, and therefore on the amount and the time of energy consumption. Energy data, being available at almost real time, provides us with fine-grained view on the economic and environmental impact of COVID-19.

Our Focus

Our investigation initiated with a series of questions that will drive our data analysis:

These are just some threads that we will try to unravel in the series of reports to come.

The Data

The data is obtained from the Transparency Platform of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSOE).

The available data are time-series with a 15, 30 or 60 minute resolution depending on the country. We datasets for multiple European countries and years from 2016 to today are used. Notably we are interested in the following time-series:

They were collected according to this diagram (source):

Entsoe Data

More details on how this data is connected are explaiend here.